FCX- The Film Crew Experience

FCX- The Film Crew Experience

Aurelia T x Stevie Neil

Stevie Neil and Aurelia T share their latest streams, movie-related arguments, and "war stories" from being former cineplex employees.

Categories: TV & Film

Listen to the last episode:

Aurelia and Stevie share what they've been streaming and look back at The Power of the Dog. Also, just to keep each other in check, they reveal their summer blockbuster top ten lists on this podcast so that Aurelia can't lie about it later....lol. 

Previous episodes

  • 28 - FCX | Aurelia and Stevie's 2022 Summer Blockbuster Top Tens 
    Tue, 26 Apr 2022
  • 27 - FCX | Sonic Success 
    Thu, 14 Apr 2022
  • 26 - FCX | Oscar Smacktacular/Sour of the Dog 
    Thu, 31 Mar 2022
  • 25 - FCX | Aurelia T’s Quick Oscar Predictions 
    Sun, 27 Mar 2022
  • 24 - FCX | Stevie Neil’s Quick Oscar Predictions 
    Sun, 27 Mar 2022
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